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作者:厦门大学 日期:2017-03-31 点击:8079

发展历史 History 

中国海洋科学发祥地之一 / Cradle of Marine Science in China

1.1920’s 厦门大学海洋生物科学研究起步,即有论文见诸世界顶级科学期刊《Science》。

Marine biological research begins in Xiamen University; research was published in the journal Science

2.1935  成立厦门海洋生物工作站,出版厦门海产生物学集刊。

The Marine Biological Station was established; publishes the Amoy Marine Biological Bulletin

3.1936  厦门大学黄大恒逐月定点采样分析厦门湾海水化学要素,观测结果发表于《科学》,成为国人最早的海水化学记录。

Time series sampling and analysis of chemical elements conducted in Xiamen’s bay waters by Daheng Huang.  The results were published in the Chinese “Science” Magazine.  This is the earliest record of marine chemistry research in China

4.1946  厦门大学设立中国第一个海洋学系、第一个海洋研究所(中华海洋研究所)。

China’s first department of Oceanography and the Institute of Marine Research (China Ocean Research Institute) established.

5.1952  全国高校院系调整,厦门大学海洋学系部分师生分流到山东、上海等高校及研究院所。

During the National Adjustment of Institutions and Colleges, some faculty and students from the Dept. of Oceanography were sent to other institutions in Shandong and Shanghai to establish marine focused departments there.

6.1970  厦门大学复建海洋学系。

Department of Oceanography rebuilt.

7.1995  获国家教委批准建立“海洋生态环境开放研究实验室”,1999年更名为“海洋环境科学教育部重点实验室” 。

The Laboratory of Marine Environmental and Ecological Sciences (MEL) was established with sponsorship from the Ministry of Education.

8.1996  组建成立厦门大学海洋与环境学院。

The College of Oceanography and Environmental Science (COE) established.

9.2002  海洋生物学和海洋化学获批二级学科国家重点学科。2007年获批海洋科学一级学科国家重点学科。

Marine biology and marine chemistry were granted Category 2 National Key Discipline status in 2002.  Marine science was granted Category 1 status in 2007.

10.2005  获国家科技部批准建设“近海海洋环学国家重点实验室(厦门大学)”、获教育部批准建设“水声通信与海洋信息技术教育部重点实验室”。

MEL was promoted and became the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science.  The Key Laboratory of Underwater Acoustic Communication and Marine Information Technology was established following approval from the Ministry of Education.

11.2010  近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室获评为优秀国家重点实验室,2015年再获评优秀国家重点实验室。

 MEL listed as an excellent state key lab (in 2010 and 2015) after a nationwide review by the MOST.

12.2011  以海洋和环境学科为基础,厦门大学设立地球科学与技术学部,并成立海洋与地球学院、环境与生态学院。

The Faculty of Ocean, Earth and Environment was created.  It’s composed of MEL, the College of Ocean and Earth Sciences and the College of the Environment and Ecology.

13.2015  获国家发改委批准建设 “海洋生物制备技术国家地方联合工程实验室”。

The National Joint Engineering Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology was established with sponsorship from the National Development and Reform Commission.

14.2015  获国家外交部、财政部批准建设中国-东盟海洋学院。“海洋生物技术”专业已获马来西亚教育部批准,并将于2016年9月正式开学。

The China-ASEAN College of Marine Sciences was approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance.  It will be established in Malaysia at the ASEAN Ocean University.


Beginning with marine biology in the early 1920s and after more than 90 years, Xiamen University has established a multidisciplinary educational and research system with bachelors, masters, doctoral, and post-doctoral programs on offer covering marine biological sciences and technology, marine chemistry, physical oceanography, marine physics, and marine geology.  Over 5,500 students have graduated with marine science degrees.


To date, Xiamen University has several research groups of excellence.  We are making every effort to do cutting-edge research and provide scientifically sound data for societal and economic needs and for national maritime rights and security.  We are laying the foundation to create a top tier university known both at home and abroad.